
Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai

  • 2310

Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) is a comprehensive tertiary care centre for cancer in India. Established by the House of Tatas in the year 1941 the Institution has been in the forefront of Cancer treatment in this part of the world. The Institution has excelled in it’s given mandate of Service, Education and Research.

The institute comprises of the Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH) at Parel in Mumbai and  the Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research & Education in Cancer (ACTREC) at Kharghar in Navi Mumbai. To keep pace with demand for services  similar centres are being planned  in Vishakapatnam( Andhra Pradesh) and Mohali (Punjab).

Patients from all parts of the country seek evaluation and treatment at our Institution. The new patients registered last year touched 60,000 including 600 from abroad. Services are patient centric with a Disease Management Group concept in place. This concept facilitates doctors from different disciplines discussing the patient’s management plan before it is implemented. The treatment facilities include State of the Art equipment and expertise.

Pioneering initiatives include Bone Marrow Transplantation, IGRT & IMRT using Tomo therapy, Robotic Surgery to name a few. It is proposed in the coming years to introduce Proton Beam  for high precision Radiotherapy.

Education & Research are equally important objectives to promote expertise in Cancer Therapy.  Formal and Informal training of Doctors and Nurses ensure that the care givers practice contemporary medicine to ensure best patient outcomes. Innovative trials both Investigator initiated and Industry Sponsored bring hope where none exists.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an integral part of treatment. ICT  empowers patients and their caregivers by ensuring high availability  of Health Care Information for prompt and timely decision making. It also helps in substantially reduces the potential for medical errors by it’s validation checks. TMC is a filmless and paper less Institution.

The fight against cancer is a relentless pursuit of knowledge to understand a disease which is the emperor of all maladies. TMC having been set up with a similar mandate is committed to be in the forefront to eradicate the disease and work towards it’s irrelevance.