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Sree Sudheendra Medical Mission

          Sree Sudheendra Medical Mission is a Charitable Society formed in the name of Srimad H.H.Sree Sudheendra Theertha Swamiji , Athmeeya Guru of Gowda Saraswath Brahmins. It was formed and registered under the Charitable Society’s Registration Act 1955 on the 23rd of November.1971 for the purpose of establishing and running a Charitable Hospital. Swamiji has been the Patron Saint blessing the Medical Mission and guiding the management. The Mission has obtained 80G exemption under the Income Tax Act for donations made in its name . The hospital was established with the donations from great philanthropists and samaj sevaks. Late Padmasree Dr.K.N.Pai whose name finds a place of prominence in the physicians fraternity of Kerala was the founding spirit behind the Hospital.

           Motto of the Mission has been quality medical service to the society at an affordable cost. Free and concessional Medical care also is being provided to the poor and the needy. Over the years it has rendered yeomen service to the people and earned  name and fame for itself as a dependable and competent Health Care Organisation, ranking itself as one of the TOP HOSPITALS in the city of  KOCHI.

                    Presently the hospital is a 200 bed Hospital with all modern facilities and departments