

  • 1407

Situated amongst the greenery of the famous Calcutta Lake, at the intersection of S.P.Mukherjee Road and Southern Avenue is the latest and affordable Nursing Home to cater to the needs of the citizens. Easily accessible by metro and other means of transportation, N.G. Nursing home today stands as a landmark in terms of Quality, Affordability and Service Delivery

Backed with over 15 years of experience in Medical Diagnostics ‘N G’ has moved forward to complete the full circle of Healthcare Delivery System in the form of the Nursing Home

N.G.Nursing Home is a division of NG Industries Ltd. and is thus a corporate entity along with NG Medicare and NG Pharmacy as the other divisions.

Our Inpatient Facility includes Dormitory, Single Room, Twin Sharing Room, along with HDU & ICU facility

Leading Consultants are available in OPD for consultation.

All diagnostic investigations like Pathology, Radiology, X-Ray, USG, ECG, ECHO, TMT, Doppler, Physiotherapy, Endoscopy, Colonoscopy are done here.