
Chaithanya Eye Hospital & Research Centre, Trivandrum

  • 1557

Chaithanya Eye hospital and Research Institute (CEHRI) is a super specialty hospital at Thiruvananthapuram committed to the care and treatment of eye diseases and disorders. To deliver its vision – Prevention of blindness, the Institute has been labouring and taking initiatives to reach each stratum of the society with quality eye care. Manned by highly qualified doctors, trained medical and para-medical staff, the Institute remains wedded to high ethical standards and state-of–the –art treatment techniques.

Recognizing that advancement in eye care can proceed only with a multifaceted approach, the institute strives to promote and provide superior patient care, outreach community programs for treatment and prevention of blinding diseases, educational activities for the future ophthalmic service providers and public and research activities culminating in advancements in treatment modalities .

We, at Chaithanya believe in EMPOWERING EYE CARE by

  • Giving Light
  • Protecting Vision
  • and Spreading Hope


CEHRI has expanded over the years with various specialties and departments, which are fully equipped with the state of art diagnostic and therapeutic tools. The specialty services include Cataract and Refractive surgery, Cornea, Vitreo-retinal services, Glaucoma, Paediatric Ophthalmology, Squint  and Orthoptics, Orbit and Oculoplasty, Uvea, Optometry, Ocular Trauma and Emergency, Neuro- ophthalmology, Low vision aids, contact lens services and Community ophthalmology.


The hospital has a well run Pharmacy which caters to the needs of all our patients.
