
Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore

  • 1741

Vision: Healing and Wholeness in the spirit of Jesus Christ.

Mission: To provide quality wholistic care to all people and train others to do the same, sharing the love of Jesus Christ, drawing people to Him and growing together into a mature community.

1.    Founded in January 15, 1973, by the International Mission Board (IMB), Southern Baptist Convention.
2.    Governed by Christian Medical College, Vellore, since 1989
3.    Currently 300 beds
4.    Over 750 staff and students
5.    Multi-specialty health care facility
6.    8 Post-Graduate residency programmes
7.    Diploma & Auxiliary Training in Nursing
8.    Allied Health Degree courses
9.    Training in Clinical Pastoral Education
10.    Scholarships to students
11.    175,000 outpatients, 13,000 inpatients annually
12.    3,800 surgeries, 2,700 deliveries annually
13.    Annual Operating Budget of INR 363 million
14.    Over 10% of the hospital’s annual operating budget used as concession to poor patients.

Service standards
1.    Professionalism
2.    Accuracy
3.    Courtesy
4.    Timeliness

1.    Governed by Christian Medical College, Vellore
2.    Administrative Committee manages locally
3.    Director /Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the chief functionary
4.    Functionally, all activities are classified into nine Divisions: Medical, Nursing, Nursing School, Allied Health, Pastoral Care, Community Health, Administration, Finance and Support services.
5.    Divisions are further classified as Departments
Training Programmes
1.    DNB in Surgery, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, Medicine, Obstetrics &Gynaecology, Family Medicine and Anesthesia
2.    B.Sc Nursing & General Nursing and Midwifery
3.    Allied Health Diploma programmes in Medical Records, Laboratory Technology, Radiography Technology and OT Technology
4.    Training in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE), Diploma in Clinical Pastoral Counselling (DCPC) – Senate of Serampore, Diploma in Pastoral Healing Ministry (DPHM)

1.    Cancer care with Radiation Therapy
2.    Reproductive Medicine (IVF) Unit
3.    State-of-the-art diagnostic services –CT scan, Mammography, X-Ray, Ultrasonography & Laboratory
4.    Blood Bank with Blood Components
5.    Cath Lab