Kidney Transplant Specialist India

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A Kidney Transplant is required by a patient who is suffering from End Stage Renal Disease. End-stage renal disease is the name for kidney failure so advanced that it cannot be reversed . The kidneys in irreversible renal failure function so poorly that they can no longer perform their function and keep the patient alive.

End-stage renal disease cannot be treated with conventional medical treatments such as drugs. There are only two kinds of treatments possible, Dialysis and Kidney Transplant.

  • Dialysis is the method of artificially filtering the blood. People who require dialysis are required to take it periodically and regularly and are generally confined to the home because of their dialysis schedule, fragile health, or both.
  • Kidney transplantation means replacement of at least one of the the failed kidneys with a working kidney from another person, called a donor. Many people who receive a kidney transplant are able to live a similar quality of life as they did before they reached end stage renal disease.

A donor is carefully chosen by the surgeons by matching Tissue and Blood so that the chances of acceptance are higher and the risk to the donor’s life is minimal.

Various hospitals now do Kidney Transplants. Removal of the donors kidney is also now done with Robotic Arm in the few hospitals that have this facility